We are currently collecting old spectacles and hearing aids for recycling. Our collection point is in the Gateway Building in Ringwood.

Collecting Point at Ringwood Gateway


The photo below shows Charlie McGurk, Clinical Operational Manager at South Central Ambulance Service, accepting a box of 'brave bears' from Lion Chris Shehan, Vice President, Ringwood and Fordingbridge Lions Club. 

These teddies, which are all individually wrapped in sealed packages, have been funded by the Club and will be distributed between the ambulances serving the local area. The crews on the ambulances will have complete discretion to award a bear to someone who has shown 'courage' in their eyes.

This is yet another example of the kind of initiative shown by the Club engaging with the community. Recently the Club sponsored eight teenagers to attend youth camps held throughout the world e.g.: China, Switzerland, Finland, etc.

Funding of such initiatives comes from fund-raising by the Club throughout the year (Car Boot, Bookstall, Raffles, stalls at local shows, etc.)

Chris and Teddy

Brave Teddy

The Club is always looking for new members so why not visit our website, https//www.randflions.org.uk and find out more about us.

R & F Lions help Etta enjoy the forest. A Club donation of £800 would suffice for Etta to see the Forest in her new buggy.

Etta in her Buggy

 .............To see Etta's story follow this LINK ..........

The Lions Club of Ringwood & Fordingbridge

Men and women of all ages and backgrounds are always very welcome. We are part of an international network of Lions Clubs involved in charitable projects and causes. Please help us do more. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 8 pm in the Trinity Centre, Ringwood. Please get in touch with us via Contact us on our website (www.randflions.org.uk) or by email at membership@randflions.org.uk or call us on 0345 833 5819.

Lions International Youth Camp and Exchange Programme

stairs to the sky

We are now taking applications for the Lions Youth Camp & Exchange Program for 2025. If you are aged 16 to 22 and want to explore a different country and make new friends from around the world then make sure you complete your application form by the closing date of Friday 1 November 2024. For more information and an application form click here. It is an amazing experience. 

Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions present Melvin Jones Fellowship Awards

Dot PhotoMJF PlaqueJohn Allison Photo

Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions recently honoured John Allison, the CEO of New Forest for Ukraine, and Dorothy Tuke for their outstanding work and selfless contribution to helping others in need. 

John Allison although retired, has displayed great commitment, leadership, and compassion by driving forward and expanding New Forest for Ukraine. He has helped to expand the collection and delivery of much-needed aid to the people of Ukraine which is dispatched every 3 weeks from Lymington to Ukraine and Poland for distribution. He has forged links with businesses, agencies and organisations nationally and internationally and devoted a great deal of his own time and energies to ensure NFFU is a success. The Club President, Steve Sherring commented "John is an inspiration for what he has done at New Forest For Ukraine over the past 18 months".

Dorothy Tuke or Dot, as all her friends know her, was first associated with the Club 30 years ago when her husband became a Club Member. Since then she has tirelessly helped the club with every foodbank collection, street collection, school presentation, car boot sale, bookstall, fete, stall, or any other service activity or fundraising event organised by the Club.

The Melvin Jones Fellowship Program was established in 1973 in honour of Melvin Jones, the founder of Lions International. Each recipient was given a unique lapel pin, a plaque displayed above, and a congratulatory letter from the Lions International Foundation.

We Serve Banner

Team UK: Local Youths embark on a trip of a lifetime with Lions International

2024 YEX

Follow this link for more information.

Roar 2023

Our Congratulations go to Alfie, Alex, Hugo, Oliver and Sam from Fordingbridge Junior School who reached the finals in the ROAR 2023 competition with their idea, Meet up, Eat up, Clean up. 

Their video presentation was well presented and addressed a situation our society is facing these days, being meeting your friends (or making new friends), while you are meeting them you have something to eat and socialise and most importantly you are out and about while cleaning up the community by picking up litter.

Will McKeller of Fordingbridge Junior School with Lion President Steve Sherring

Roar presentation Certificate 2023 

New Forest for Ukraine

Ukraine Photo

Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions Club members travelled to Lymington for the day to help New Forest for Ukraine pack much-needed supplies of donated clothing, toys, footwear, blankets, and medical supplies, into boxes destined for hospitals and aid centres in Ukraine and Poland. 

To read more click HERE.

A fitting tribute to Lion YorkyTribute to Yorky

Lion YorkyTuke, one of the longest-serving members of the Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions Club, and one of the longest-serving District Officers for Youth in this area has been awarded the Bert Mason Memorial Trophy.

The trophy was presented to him by the Immediate Past District Governor, Lion Dave Ebsworth, at their Club meeting held at the Trinity Church in Ringwood. Lion Yorky was nominated for this award by his peers because of his continued outstanding participation in his Club and the District's contribution to working with youth. Lion Yorky has worked tirelessly, promoting the Young Ambassador project which seeks to recognise young people in District 105SC who have made and continue to make an exceptional contribution to the lives of people in their local communities.

Making the presentation Lion Dave said: "Over the years I have got to know Yorky and he is a kind, generous man for whom nothing is too much trouble. . . and he has been the driving force behind the Young Ambassador programme in our District."

Lion Yorky is pictured on the front page of this edition holding the trophy, together with his wife Dot who helps him and the Club with all their activities and who received a Certificate of appreciation from Club President, Lion Phil Gregory.

Lion Bert Mason was the International President in 1984, the only Lion from Britain to attain that distinction. The trophy was dedicated to his memory and is awarded to one person in the United Kingdom each year for services to youth.

The Big Thank You

Air Ambulance Photo

Thank You!

Ringwood and Fordingbridge Lions were pleased to present a donation to Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance of £300 to say thank you for all of their wonderful work. The presentation was made by Lion President Phil Gregory and Lion Rosemary Gregory on a visit to the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance base at Henstridge Airfield.

This was a very special visit for Lion President Phil Gregory as it was an opportunity for him to say a big thank you to the crew led by Dr Phil Hyde that helped keep him alive in August 2022. Lion Phil was flown by air ambulance from Weymouth Rugby Club to Royal Bournemouth Hospital – Cardiac unit following a cardiac arrest whilst on a visit to the town.

Lion Phil and his family will be forever grateful to the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance team.

Young Ambassador of the 21st Century

Jasmine Folkes 3

Follow the link to read Jasmine's story in her own words.

For Prostate Cancer Information Click HERE

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