
Niko & Harry update.

"Having assisted Harry and Niko in their bid to reach the commonwealth games last year (see volleyball update), we understand that the successful volleyball duo have recently set up a GoFundMe page to allow them to push even further this next season with the aim of a medal on the Beach Pro Tour and to help with the Olympic qualification process. Please help them achieve this goal and help them with their fundraising by visiting https://gofund.me/f6f36a16"

Just wanted to get in contact to thank you for the support The Lions gave us this last volleyball season.

It went a long way and we managed to for the first time break into the top 100 in the world and reach a career-high of 73! Alongside that, we continued to have Uk success by winning the London Grand Slam and coming second in the national finals.

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Noko & Harry

Niko & Harry

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Once again wanted to thank you for your support!


Niko & Harry